

  • Engine: ERP/Accounting engine
  • Business Process Area: Order-to-Cash

SuiteProjects is a Professional Services Automation (PSA) solution natively built on NetSuite. SuiteProjects combined with Customer Relationship Management (CRM), HR and accounting/Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), provides a comprehensive single platform to run a services business. SuiteProjects quickly generates tangible results while driving increased resource utilization, elevating on-time project delivery, expediting billing cycles, improving invoicing accuracy, streamlining revenue recognition, reducing overhead and increasing visibility into your services organization.

Key Benefits

  • Streamline operations and drive profitability by optimizing the entire services business lifecycle.
  • Faster project completion, better resource utilization, more accurate and efficient invoices.
  • Increase visibility across your business, including forecasts, resources, projects and KPIs.
  • Anytime, anywhere web and mobile access. • Real-time reporting on key metrics such as project profitability and resource utilization.
  • Gain real-time, global business management and financial consolidation
