My organization is too small for a cloud ERP solution

My organization is too small for a cloud ERP solution

One of the questions we typically get asked is from what size a company should look out for an ERP solution. Typically, we think about the big corporate companies rolling out massive ERP Programs over multiple years. And we think about all the horror stories that go hand-in-hand with these implementations.

At Growire, we like to look at things in a different way.

The main criterium for us centers around business process complexity rather than size. Let’s be honest, when a business process is simple there is only so much value an ERP solution can bring. Therefore we typically think of ERP systems as something for large corporations because they have the scale to benefit from even the smallest automation.

In the absence of these scale effects, smaller organizations stay away from integrated ERP solutions and often turn to stand-alone solutions that address specific processes in their business, like CRM, Accounting, Invoicing, etc. These stand-alone solutions look cheap or seem to be even free of charge and seem to work perfectly if you only need their standard functionalities. Over time the complexity of having multiple silo systems in combination with poor or -at best- basic integration between them, becomes a burden. If you’ve ever asked yourself the question “Would an integrated system serve us better?”, reach out to us.

In addition, we see a lot of smaller organizations with quite complex business processes that could really boost their growth with an integrated ERP solution. Check the illustration and if you answer “YES” to one or more of the questions, your organization might benefit from an integrated ERP Solution.

And no need to fear any of those implementation horror stories, because Oracle NetSuite is built for a phased implementation. The starting point is a unified master database that allows you from day one to have a real-time view on your company’s performance. From here you build the other processes on top of this foundation as your organizational needs evolve.

So go ahead, check the criteria in the wheel and if you answer “YES” to at least one of them, send me a DM to discuss.

Let’s talk!