Complex business process consulting drawing

Consulting Services

All businesses must grow. They need to operate as efficiently as possible. They have to make the best use of information and technology. Our business consulting services are designed to help you with that: from process optimization and IT administration, to change management and project management.

We focus on delivering quantifiable results for our customers, based on a well-tested methodology and solid experience. We work in close cooperation with your people. We take time to understand your priorities. We apply our expertise and transfer skills within your own organization.

Implementation Services

ERP implementation can be a strenuous and time-consuming process. That’s why a majority of NetSuite customers take advantage of the NetSuite partner ecosystem to get business projects implemented. Choosing a partner like Growire, that is NetSuite Certified, ensures expert proficiency in this top cloud-based business software because they are provided with certified training, an extensive toolbox of developer resources, and a continuous learning environment that evolves alongside NetSuite solutions to keep them well-versed in the native code. In addition, companies armed with certified expertise have known experience with ERP implementation.

However, not all ERP systems are created equal, nor should they be. Given the range of functions that ERP encompasses, it’s important to consider the scope of your individual business needs before hiring a NetSuite partner. Growire is a NetSuite Certified Alliance Partner with certified ERP implementation experts. We are equipped with backend industry acumen to integrate all your business needs. We analyze your business processes and install a NetSuite solution where you can choose to build your own custom ERP that we program from the bottom up. With cloud technology and product enhancements you can be assured that your business is running with advanced capability.

Integration Services

Enterprise resource planning software is built to break down silos, minimize redundant data entry, and speed up your business, but it’s not a magic bullet. While such a solution will improve your business by centralizing data and making collaboration easy, there are many situations where it doesn’t offer everything you need.

Connect Your Business: ERP Integration Services

Whether it’s an industry-specific solution that your business can’t operate without, a CRM product that your sales team refuses to give up, or a point solution that works better for your company, it’s likely that your ERP product can’t provide 100% of what you need.

Luckily, today’s ERP software is built to play well with other solutions, relying on application programming interfaces (APIs), web services, and other tools that allow your solution to connect with the software you want to or already use.

At Growire, we specialize in connecting the ERP solutions we implement with the products you use or want to use.

Benefits of Integrating ERP with Business Management Applications

From setting up Power BI to bring together data from a variety of sources to connecting your ERP with a CRM solution to designing workflows with industry-specific applications or point solutions like procure-to-pay or spend management, we know our ERP solutions inside and out and have the skills to make connections. Among the key benefits of integration:

  • Automate laborious, inaccurate, and time-consuming manual processes
  • Provide your team with more freedom to focus on business growth
  • Enhance visibility by expanding the reach of your ERP
  • Improve business decisions with real-time information from more sources
  • Minimize business risk by ensuring you have the right information
  • Reduce costs and increase return on investment by cutting out waste

Administration Services

As a small business owner or family office, you are typically balancing many priorities that include meeting unexpected challenges and handling time consuming business formalities while focusing on the current and long-term growth of your assets.  Many times, a lack of resources within a small business can create a seemingly insurmountable void when business owners are weighed down by the day-to-day responsibility of growing the business, in addition to their need to hire, pay and manage full- or part-time staff.  Our industry expertise and diversified experience can assist small business owners, by providing the services of a fully staffed support office – while at the same time, controlling costs and eliminating down time.  

You need to focus on what you do best – leave the rest to us.

Growire can help you meet your objectives without incurring the costs and time associated with increasing staff.  We can provide you with a cost-effective, customized, administrative services solution set, aimed at taking on many of the day-to-day operational tasks of a small company just starting up, an established company or a family office.  Because small businesses, in particular, need to invest their time and resources on new products, new services and marketing, they are in a position to benefit greatly from the efficiency gained by using our services. 

  • Expense management and control
  • Invoicing, accounts receivable management and collections
  • Operating account maintenance
  • Telephone answering
  • Mail forwarding
  • Marketing support
  • Website development
  • Bookkeeping and accounting services
  • Designated office space and meeting rooms
  • Payroll services and related tax filings
  • Corporate governance
  • Registered agent services
  • Technology Support

Growire is committed to helping our clients meet or exceed their financial objectives by taking on as much of your back office as you need to allow you to focus on what you do best …. grow your business!

accounting services

Accounting Services

Being a business owner or a manager for your company can sometimes mean you are the one keeping an eye on everything. Being responsible for your company’s success and making sure everything happens as you have envisioned, is a tough job that you do well. But there is one specific area that should be the same for all companies, something that is only correct without any creative input – accounting. 

Today most companies know of outsourcing and use this method with their IT or HR processes. Still, there are many more ways that outsourcing could benefit a company (large and small). Keeping your company’s finances well-tracked and accurate is where an experienced accounting firm can lend a hand.

You can outsource to us any non-core accounting activities such as transaction processing and basic reporting, freeing up the time of your resources to focus on higher added value activities.

Outsourced accounting, therefore, means hiring a service that provides a full accounting department experience. This usually comprises everything from the day-to-day transaction coding, accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll and taxation to managing financial reporting.

E-Commerce Marketing Services

The ecommerce market is competitive. Online businesses that want to thrive need a smart marketing strategy. With ecommerce marketing services from Growire, your company can launch competitive campaigns that drive online orders, repeat customers, and revenue that powers your growth.

enduser service desk

End-User Service Desk Services

After implementing NetSuite to power your business, you now want to fully unlock the benefits of your solution and maximize your investment.

You want your team members to understand implement, and fully leverage the new system.

You need to focus on keeping daily operations at optimal productivity, not spending time making sure everyone has the knowledge they need to maximize the new system.

You need end user support services that are accessible, convenient and comprehensive.

Key Benefits

  • Increased user adoption
  • Maximized productivity
  • Increased goal achievement
  • Empowered users
  • Faster time to value
  • Reduced implementation risk