
Based on the designed solution, we guide our Customers through the implementation. We organize all the needed resources, implement the designed solution and prepare the handover towards the operate phase. In the Act phase we distinguish 4 sub-phases: ACT | Deploy, ACT | Pilot, ACT | Activate and ACT | On-board.

How It Works

By applying common sense, built on industry best practices, we guarantee successful project completion of high quality within scope, time and budget. In a pragmatic way, our project delivery is structured around a couple of simple principles.

Firstly, we reassure that we understand the scope correctly.

Secondly, we’ll build a list of tasks, define the deliverables to expect and we build a desired planning and timeline.

We measure progress, communicate in an honest and integer way and take corrective measures when deviations on the initial planning occur. This open and honest partnership between us and our Customer is the most important success factor.


Every project has a clear timeline that is completely visible to our Customers so you always know what has been done, what we are doing for the moment and what we will be doing going forward. This insight gives peace-of-mind to all parties involved and helps streamline the communication with regard to the agreed results.