SuiteCloud Platform

SuiteCloud Platform

  • Engine: Workflow & Integration Engine
  • Business Process Area: Customize-to-Company

SuiteCloud is a customization and integration platform with built-in extensibility, designed to help organizations fit NetSuite into their unique business model and ecosystem. Built to meet the needs of software developers, application administrators and ISVs, SuiteCloud can extend the suite, securely integrate to external systems and optimize the end-user experience to run business at maximum efficiency. SuiteCloud’s unified collection of technologies includes metadata-based extensions, JavaScript APIs,
integration services, access management tools, an application packaging and distribution toolset, and much more. Customizations built and deployed with these technologies automatically carry forward with every new product release, ensuring that customers are never subject to version lock.

Key Benefits

  • Easily integrate to any data source or external business system leveraging open RESTful web services.
  • Optimize the user experience using point-and-click tools and powerful script-driven customizations with API level access to any data element or resource.
  • Harness the latest JavaScript standards to define business logic and create powerful applications.
  • Automate business processes to easily adapt to your changing needs using visual workflow tools.
  • Work in most languages and enjoy an experience that feels completely local.
